
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Working Hard...

Well, it has been a very busy day indeed!!  We actually got alot accomplished on the house today.  I started the day out making our menu and grocery list for Dad so he could grocery shop.  After he left I started my day with the littles.  Daddy arrived back home as I was cleaning up our breakfast mess.  We put the groceries away together.  The fridge was being cleaned out at the same time and lunch was warmed up using leftovers!! :)  After eating and clean up we started back on the house. Two of the main rooms are completely clutter free and organized now ~ the kitchen and the laundry room.  Dad put new hardware on a couple of doors and they look much better! 

The kids have been great all day, allowing us to continue working!  They have done lots of playing and they watched a movie.  Jonathon started a new collection ~ ice :)  He was so excited!  His sister helped him fill up one of his plates last night (it is divided into 3 sections) and he froze it overnight.  This morning after breakfast he pulled it out and put his new *ice ~ collection* up in his room!  Later this afternoon he was devastated!  I could hear him yelling..."OH NO, MY ICE COLLECTION!!  IT MELTED!".  Had no idea on how to comfort him... When we asked if he wanted to start a new one he hollered "NO".  ):

After supper tonight, daddy took 3 of the littles outside to play for awhile so I could clean up the supper mess.  By the time they got back I was just about done :)  The boys continued to play in the breezeway for a little while longer, while Sarah and Daddy watched some Michigan softball on television. 

Now, I am going to go continue peeling wallpaper of the stairway wall :(  Ya know how sometimes you get a boiled egg that is EXTREMELY hard to peel?  The shell comes off one itty bitty piece at a time?  Well, that is how good the wallpaper is coming off!  They stuck it to unfinished drywall!...Grrr

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