
Thursday, September 24, 2009

~ Today! ~

Yesterday I went back to the Dr. for another ultrasound and monitoring of the baby.  The baby was soooo sleepy!  It wouldn't stay awake for anything!  The nurse kept having to put a buzzer by it's head just to wake it up so it would move.  Baby ended up passing the test, it just took a lot of work to keep it awake in order to monitor it :)  The ultrasound showed that the amniotic fluid had dropped lower.  This week it was at 8.5 cm, last week it was 13 cm.  8.5 is still good.  Dr. said that by all of his measures baby looked healthy and could stay in there longer.  Good news!

Unfortunately, the Dr. I saw was the 'glass is half empty' Dr.  So after he said the decision was mine as to whether baby stayed in or I was induced, he proceeded to inform me of all of the risks that "could" happen because of my age and the fact that I was overdue.  He was only doing his job.  Good Dr.'s let you know what your risks are.  He then said he would send the nurse in with the hospital on-call schedule so I could choose a day that would work best for us!  So in reality, the choice to stay pregnant or be induced really wasn't a choice.  Oh, sounded good :)  He said it would be best to choose a day before next Wednesday (42 week mark). 

One of my favorite Dr.'s goes on call tonight at 6 p.m.!  He delivered Sarah.  He is 1 (of 2) of the big 'bosses' in the practice.  He is one of the best!  He is a big, tall, towering man ~ very calm, very serene, he is like this huge teddy bear.  Awesome Dr.  During one point in Sarah's delivery, Daddy became a little concerned for Sarah.  He said when he saw how calm and relaxed the Dr. was, just patiently waiting for my body, and Sarah to do their thing, he relaxed.  He figured if the Dr. was that calm about the whole thing, it must be okay.  If Dr. was concerned he never showed it.

So, today is the day :)  We have to be there at 4 p.m. and they will induce.  With both Sarah and the twins, it took awhile once we got there for them to actually get to us.  I'm assuming that we won't have a little one in our arms until early Friday morning, but you never know :)

Talk to ya soon :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

~ The One Minute Cracker Challenge ~

Ever heard of it?  Daddy shared this challenge with us.  You take 5 saltine crackers and eat them ALL in 1 minute!  You have to chew them and swallow them ~ WITHOUT ANYTHING TO DRINK ;).  Sound easy?  Give it a try and be prepared for lots and lots of laughing!

Katie and Emma tried it.  Actually, Daddy only gave them 4 crackers to eat in 1 minute.




You should have heard the giggles and seen the cracker dust flying!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

~ Belly, Pears & 'Sweet' Corn ~

Today we had a GREAT day!  We went to mass, had a yummy lasagna lunch, canned pears and just hung out together.  Sarah played dress up pretty much all day with Katie ~ make-up, hair ~ the whole kit and kaboodle!  They had a great time.  Sarah's face looked dirty all day because she was putting on make-up :)

I helped Daddy peel and cut pears for canning.  He picked all he could reach off of our pear tree (I guess there are a ton more up high in the tree), and we ended up with 7 1/2 quarts of yummy pears.  The littles had the 1/2 quart for snack tonight.

While the pears were boiling in their jars, Daddy took this picture:


This is our baby at 40 weeks, 3 days!

After this was taken Katie got a hold of the camera (she is a budding photographer :) and took a lot of pictures of Sarah!  This is my favorite:


Isn't it sweet!  The goodies from our garden are wrapping up.  It has been just big enough for us this year!  Next year we will plant more in order to can for the winter :)

Speaking of canning, here is Daddy working on the pears, and the finished product!




Hope you had a great day!

~ 9/19/2009 ~

Just a little note to say:

I'm Still Pregnant!!!!! 

That's right, baby is still in belly!  Two of my daughters have now said I'm huge.  Actually, only Andrea said "Mom, your HUGE!".  Those were her first words to me upon entering the house.  My response?  "Thank you honey."  Today,  Katie said "Mom, your stomach is huge".  My response?  "Yes, I know it is."

I thought about taking a picture today...but...the camera is packed in my bag, AND I was too lazy to get it out!  Maybe tomorrow.

Yesterday, I had a Dr. appointment to see how baby is doing.  Everything is going so well that baby gets to stay in it's cozy spot for a little longer if it wants to.  So, it is still a waiting game :)  I continue to have contractions frequently, but nothing rhythmic or uncomfortable.

Hopefully I'll get a picture of this HUGE belly uploaded for you tomorrow.  For now, it's my bedtime!  Good~night!

~ 9/16/2009 ~

Sarah and I enjoyed our morning view out of the front window.  I don't think you can tell, but the sweet one by the swing still had some white spots!  Very faint, but they were there :)


~ 9/14/2009 ~

Last night while Dad and I were brushing Jonathon and Sarah's teeth, Samuel was playing in one of the recliners.  He was acting like a 'Superhero'!  Next thing I know he is laying in a curled up hump on the floor beside the chair!  Then I heard this...

"Uh ~ Oh, I didn't fly!".

Okay, just typing it out has me laughing again!

~ 9/4/2009 ~

~ At 38 Weeks ~



~ 8/21/2009 ~

Yesterday, we were officially 36 weeks pregnant!  That means we could have a baby anywhere from 2 wks to 6 wks from now! 

Last week at my Dr. appt. he was concerned about the fluid level, the condition of the placenta, the baby's position (it was oblique) and any other negative thing he could think of!!  So, after leaving the office  I scoured the internet for ways to turn an oblique baby to head down.  The problem with an oblique positioned baby is that it can either turn head down OR transverse!  If it decided to turn transverse I would have to have a c~section!  Definitely didn't want that!!  So, I read and read and read!   I read to wear a belly belt and to get on all fours as much as possible.   So I have been wearing my belly belt faithfully and helping the girls to mop the floors by getting on my hands and knees and scrubbing.  I was also picking toys up off of the floor by crawling around on my hands and knees. 

Well, it worked!!  Baby is now definitely head down!  The ultrasound also showed that there is PLENTY of fluid still surrounding the baby!  Baby looks GREAT!  It was really a treat to see the baby on ultrasound.  I haven't seen it since my 20 week ultrasound!  Seeing it again got me all excited and ready to have it in my arms!  With time closing in on us for the delivery, I think I need to start packing my bag and washing baby clothes!  But for now I have been instructed to keep my left leg elevated (as much as possible :)  to help relieve a superficial vein issue that is causing me a great amount of discomfort.  So I will do that until the pain subsides, then pack and wash!!

~ 8/19/2009 ~

