
Friday, June 27, 2008

Wedding pictures...












And there you have it :)

Talk to ya soon...

Catch up...

Well once again this has been an extremely busy week!!  Of course Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were softball days.  Wednesday I coached (with the help of her dad and another dad) Sister K's softball game.  Sister E had a game at the EXACT same time of Sister K's...bummer!  Grandma and Grandpa went to watch Sister E.  Sister K's team only had 5 players show up :(.  So technically it wasn't an official game - we forfieted.  The other team was graceful enough to sub us 2 players so the girls could still play :)  We all had a great time.  Sister K pitched the entire game again, and by the end she was absolutely exhausted.  Poor daddy has been working in the chemo center this (and last) week and has to rush out of there at 4:30p.m. just to make it home in time for us ladies to leave for softball!!  He is now also on a softball team through work.  He has played for the last 3 years.  Thankfully they only have 3 games, but their practices are on Monday's, so he doesn't go to them.  Last Saturday daddy and I went to a homeschooling conference and purchased Sissy's math and government classes.  We also found lots of classical books for the boys as they get older.  The conferences are nice because you forego all of the shipping costs.  For her government class we didn't have to pay tax either!! :)  It's also a nice time, just the two of us.  Thursday I spent the majority of my day cleaning (vacuuming) the cobwebs and spiders out of the garage!!  I was only able to get half of it done, but it's a start.  Well I'm off to get some stuff done while the littles sleep:).  Talk to ya soon...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


With summer comes SOFTBALL!!!  With softball comes a very busy mom (and dad)!!  Sister K and Sister E are both playing softball this summer.  The games started this week.  Monday Sister E had her first game - they lost :(.  Tuesday, both girls played.  They both lost:(.  Wednesday Sister K played.  They WON!!!  Sister K pitched the entire game!!  She did really well.  She really enjoys pitching.  Sister K ended up getting the game ball last night for getting 2 hits and pitching so well.  The score was 14 - 8.  Their games are at 5:30 and 7:00.  Too late for little ones so daddy stays home with them to get them fed, cleaned up and put to bed.  Softball will last until mid-July and believe it or not we will miss all of the busy involved with it! 

Hope you have been enjoying all the camping pics.  Here is the last of them.  We are going again after the 4th for a few days :). 









Talk to ya soon...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wednesday's Wisdom

I’d encourage your youngest one to abandon kindergarten altogether. Almost everything I learned was learned outside theimages.jpg classroom, and school itself interrupted my education. Moreover, school locks you in with your peers. That is a mistake. One’s social circle should never include one’s equals. From my earliest years I found children uninteresting and always preferred the company of adults. This was an advantage, because I got to know lots of folks who are dead now whom I never would have known if I had waited until I was an adult. - So I have a collective memory - and oral tradition - that goes back to the eighteenth century, having spoken with people who knew people who knew people who knew people who lived then. - The only real university is the universe and a city its microcosm. That is why an expression like “New York University” is foolish. New York City is the university….Instead of school, children should spend some hours each day in hotel lobbies talking to the guests. They should spend time in restaurant kitchens and shops and garages of all kinds, learning from people who actually make the world work….One day spent roaming through a real classical church building would be the equivalent of one academic term in any of our schools, and a little time spent inconspicuously in a police station would be more informative than all the hours wasted on bogus social sciences. Formal lessons would only be required for accuracy in spelling and proficiency in public speaking, for which the public speakers in our culture are not models, and in exchange for performing some menial services a child could learn the violin, harp, and piano from musicians in one of the better cocktail lounges, or from performers in the public subways….So I urge you to keep your child out of kindergarten, because kindergarten will only lead to first grade and then the grim sequence of grade after grade begins and takes its inexorable toll on the mind born fertile but gradually numbed by the pedants who impose on the captive child the flotsam of their own infecundity.

                                    -Fr. George Rutler

Monday, June 9, 2008

Camping I...






Weekend Fun...

This weekend was busy!  Daddy worked outside for awhile on Saturday morning until it got too hot!!  We have a clock inside the house (courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa H.) that displays the outside temp on it.  It said it was 96 degrees!!  Thank goodness for central air!  After lunch I went second hand shopping!!  Ooooh, did I hit the jackpot!!  I got a ton of books for the kids (including some classics) for .25 a piece!!  I also got a ton of other stuff for our homelearning.  I stopped at the Goodwill, Dollar Store and lastly the Salvation Army.  The Salvation Army was quite expensive!!  I don't know if I'll go there again or not.  I got many things at the goodwill for .10 (the lowest price I saw)  the cheapest thing I saw at the Salvation Army was .80.  But I did find some things I needed for some planned montessori activities!  So it worked out well.  Sissy worked on Saturday then had some open houses to go to.  Bubby hung out with friends!!  Sunday we attempted to go to a baseball game with the H. family.  It stormed!!  We saw the black clouds, packed up and went to the suburban.  We got into the suburban, Daddy started it up and boom the rain came crashing down.  Talk about perfect timing!!  If we had waited any longer...yuck!!  So we came home.  On our way home we went through 2 more storms.  Winds in excess of 70 mph, hail, heavy, heavy downpour of rain - no fun at all!  Up until that point we were having fun!!  Unfortunately for us (we were already home) the game started up again at 5:30 p.m.!!  Bummer (it's 1 1/2 hours away), maybe next time!  I snapped 2 pictures before all of the rain!!



Bubby had the cord in his room!!  Talk to ya soon...

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Good morning!!  Did you wonder if I got lost during our camping trip?  Well I didn't!  I just can't seem to find my USB cord to upload our pictures!  So until I find that you'll just have to read about everything!  Yuck, right?  Oh well!!  Our camping trip was great.  It was really cold most of the time but still alot of fun!  I don't believe anyone wore their shorts that they took!  It was only in the mid 50's to low 60's while we were there!  But it was still a great time!  We did alot of walking and saw alot wild life.  Sister K went for a couple of REALLY long walks with Daddy, Grandpa and Grandma!  Wore her right out!  When we got home she weighed herself and said she had lost 5 lbs!!  Good for her.  She felt really good about that!  She saw alot of wild life on those long walks...porcupine and deer (one was standing on his hind legs eating leaves off of a tree).  On one of our walks we saw a brand new fawn!  Daddy guessed it was probably about a week old.  It had lots of spots.  We watched Mama clean it for awhile.  That was pretty cool.  All in all the trip was great and we are looking forward to going camping again next year!  We loved our new camper.  Still learning things about it, but it's perfect for our family.  Well it's time I start getting ready to leave.  I have to take Sister K to school this AM.  Then it's the same routine for the day.  I shouldn't say the same because no day is ever the same! :)  Talk to ya soon...