
Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend Fun...

This weekend was awesome!!  We had a TON of snow fall on us..probably a good 8-10 inches total.  This all makes for a treacherous drive for mom and dad but loads of fun for kids.  Sister K and Sister E spent the majority of their weekend outside playing in the snow.  They went sledding, built a fort and 2 snowmen.  Saturday and Sunday night they had a flashlight shoved into the fort so they could continue working on it well into the night!  A few times Sister E came in because she got hit with a snowball or snow got shoved down her coat and she was none to happy :)  She always went back out for more though.  I'll load pictures of the fort and snowman this afternoon, they are so cute.  Besides all of the snow fun, we also made the cutest snowflakes for our kitchen window.  Cutting the patterns gave Sister K the creative bug and she sat for what seemed like forever coming up with her own patterns (or at least trying).  She was having difficulty figuring out the folding patterns.  We also decorated our christmas tree this weekend.  Brother J was really enjoying himself.  Him and Sister K would get an ornament and he would hang it on the tree.  Well the light cord to be exact!!  He couldn't get to the branches because of all those silly needles:)  Brother S didn't enjoy it quite as much!  He didn't understand why he had to put the pretty balls on the tree.  Afterall balls are made for throwing right?  We have a couple of ornaments that look like apples and Brother J has attempted to take a bite out of them a couple of times.  When he realizes he can't bite into them he brings them to me with a puzzled look on his face:)  We also had grand plans to decorate a gingerbread house this weekend.  Of course we didn't get to it!  Time flies when your having fun.  Bubby spent his weekend doing what he loves - skateboarding with his buddies and Sissy went to a cookie baking party, a christmas party with her girlfriends and she worked!!  Yesterday all the schools around here had a snowday!  Being that Sissy is homeschooled she didn't.  When she left to spend the day with her boyfriend (Algebra 2 in hand) I noticed her away message read "homeschoolers don't have snowdays".  She completed her work and enjoyed her day none the less.  Well that's all for now, I hear two little men jumping in their cribs.  I'll attempt to post pictures this afternoon at nap time!  Talk to ya soon.

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