
Thursday, March 4, 2010


Thoughts from a PS Convert

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What happens when a state certified public school teacher decides to homeschool? An ego-check and a whole lot of learning.

In 2006, I took the leap from public school teacher to home-school mom for my kindergarten daughter. I did what most home-school mothers do and joined a home-school group for support. To be honest, I thought I would be lending most of the support. I had the elementary education degree and many successful years of teaching under my belt. They should be so lucky to have me in the group.

Ego check! They didn’t need my advice on materials. There is a whole world of home-school materials that is every bit as good as public school curriculum...

As I made my way into this world, I was amazed at all the new options and ideas I had never seen or heard of as a public school teacher. These parents had a right to snub me and my ego. They may not have had an elementary education degree or even stepped a foot in a classroom, but these parents had nothing to learn from me, and I had much to learn from them.

She goes on to say that maybe instead of pushing regulation on homeschoolers we should deregulate public education.

How about instead of fighting for more regulations on home-school parents, we fight for fewer regulations on public school teachers? I had some great teachers 30 years ago who did not face the same government regulations. I’m not saying teachers shouldn’t be held to a high standard – just maybe not one, single standard: the test.

Do we really want to put these same crazy regulations on home-school families? These parents are enjoying what they do and not getting one government cent to do it....

Sorry I can’t provide some dirt on the home-school community. Funny, they are just doing a great job – all without regulations.

Amen and Amen!


Thought this was GREAT!!

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