
Monday, September 15, 2008

Dairy Days...

Yesterday was our visit with the gastroenterologist!  I was quite anxious about 2 things yesterday.  1: I was taking all 3 little's out by myself (something I rarely do :) and 2: we just purchased a BEAUTIFUL 12 passenger van that is quite tall and I wasn't sure if we were gonna fit in the ramp.  If we couldn't I didn't know where we were gonna park!  I wasn't concerned about little peanut's dairy issues, I actually figured if nothing more she would be able to continue on the 16 oz. (yes, we made it to that point!:).  I thought maybe they would give us some sort of paper telling us what to introduce and when though.  On our way I realized that if God gave me these 3 littles under the age of three, He must believe I can handle it.  If He has faith in me than why should I doubt?  Anxiety #1 - Solved!  There was still the issue of the van and the ramp though.  Well, long and behold we DIDN'T fit!!  Thankfully, there was a parking lot, with no restrictions, across from the ramp.  I put little peanut in a stroller and the twins each held onto a handle with my hands over theirs.  They were amazing!!  They did so well!!  They oohed and aahed over all the cars, trucks, tractors and buses on our walk there.  Brother S pushed the big blue button to open the doors for us to get in and Brother J  pushed the button on the way back out.  They never once attempted to run off or fight staying with me.  They even behaved like angels in the Dr. office!!  The Dr. came in to assess our little peanut and said she is CURED!!!!!!!!!  We no longer have to monitor what she eats (for dairy anyway:)  She can have whatever she wants - cheese, ice cream, yogurt, bread, butter!  All the yummy things we take for granted :)  He wants us to follow the new pediatric guidelines for other high allergenic foods: eggs at 2 years of age, peanuts/tree nuts at 3 years of age and seafood/shellfish at 4 years of age.  Not a problem!!

So, all in all, this was a VERY BLESSED day!!

No more dairy days!  EXTREMELY well behaved 2 year old twins!!  A parking lot right across from the ramp to park our beautiful, new, HUGE van :)  What more could a Mama ask for?

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