There are people out there who have issues with this type of thinking. Sad, but very true. Some think that you're trying to be "all that", that you think you are "perfect" and better than others; some think that you are trying to make them feel bad or that you're telling them that they are failing at what they are doing because it's different than what you are doing, or how you are doing it.
First of all, none of the above are the case :) This life is short (period) Why would I NOT work hard to make the best out of it? Why would I NOT try and make things better than the day before? Why would I NOT try and make things wonderful and memorable for my family? Today could be my last day to try...
I'm a people pleaser (not sure that's a word ;) ). Always have been. It's actually a bad thing. Many times people's opinions of my actions can cause me heartache for days, sometimes longer, even if said actions had nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, people feel the need to pass on their insecurities, guilty feelings, and opinions in hurtful words. I tend to let my hurt feelings and heartache at their comments build up inside of me until it eventually boils over. At this point it boils over in the form of "I need to defend and protect myself", angry, resentful and unkind words. This doesn't make me feel better... it only makes me feel worse. Not healthy, not healthy at all!
This year, as part of my "Journey to Whole Health", I am going to work on not letting others opinions of me and my actions bother me and ensuring that I don't do the same to others ~ my "personal growth"! A sort of New Year's Resolution, if you will. As a people pleaser this will be tricky ;)
I need to remind myself that as long as I'm ~
1) Honoring God with my actions by obeying the 2 Great Commandments
2) Honoring my husband and children
That all. is. good!
People don't have to like or agree with me :)
Yes, #1 says HONORING GOD. That is above all the most important.
It doesn't matter if so and so doesn't agree with my long term breastfeeding; attachment parenting; dietary preferences; what I do or don't feed our children; what I do or don't allow our children to do; how or why I do something; my religious beliefs... the list could go on and on.
Here's to a beautiful "Journey to Whole Health"