We finally found it! For over 5 years we have searched for a home near hubby's family. We had actually given up, and were making plans to renovate the house we are in. Then, one afternoon, I was searching on-line for something completely different and decided to check the listings. This house had just been put on the market 2 days prior! I showed it to hubby, he said to call the realtor. We went and looked at it that Saturday (about 4 days later). One week later the realtor called and said there were 2 offerings going in the next morning, and if we were interested, the listing realtor would submit ours with the other 2. Hubby was very interested :) So, the next morning was spent scanning and signing the many pages of the offer. Then, it was time to wait.
Around supper time the call came in from our realtor. The seller's had accepted our offer!! More scanning and signing followed. We are so excited!!
The fun here at this house has already started. Purging and packing for a family this size takes a while, so I started early :) I'm glad I did! I don't feel rushed, I can pack up all but the bare necessities, clean, fix any thing that needs to be taken care of, etc., on my time schedule. It's a great plan!!
I already have some things packed and stored. I've decided to focus my attention on one room at a time until it's completed. I've gone through the main floor rooms with the eyes of a buyer and made a list of things that need to be done. Today, I have my list for the main floor bathroom. I'm starting there... after some gluten free, molasses banana bread :)