L slept in this morning! This allowed M and me some one on one time. We rocked and read this morning, while everyone slept. It was a great way to start the day...
Now, our Thankful To Do List!
Morning meeting with K and E... Our morning meetings consist of the girls sharing what they did the day before, learning, or playing, or just being. Their activities and learning are all self directed. They set their own schedule and learn what they want. I micro manage nothing in their day. However, I do request they meet me in the mornings and discuss the previous days activities, it works for us :) So, here is how this morning went:
E read
All-of-a-Kind Family by Sydney Taylor (this is usually a read aloud in the morning, but she slept in yesterday morning and wasn't at morning meeting). Practiced her
Friendly Defender Cards on Church and Papacy. Read from
Famous Men of Rome. She has recently drawn a new character "Vadeeya", and she chose the colors for her. Later in the day she digitally drew and colored her on
Paint Tool SAI. Watched Lego Ninjago. Her goals for today are to basically do much of the same, write about the people she's reading about in
Famous Men of Rome, a grammar lesson, work on her digital picture of Vadeeya, and attempt drawing a sketch of a person and then putting a word that best describes them in the background.
K ~Home Ec: cooking and recipes, she is creating her own breakfast and lunch menus for the week. We supply the food/ingredients and she prepares those 2 meals for herself. She read a chapter on celery in
Knife Skills Illustrated: A User's Manuel by Peter Hertzmann. She is really enjoying this book; so much so, that we bought her a copy of it. She looked up more sign language, made flash cards for them, and demonstrated them for us: dishwasher, clean-up, Canadian, Canada, Michigan, from, cheat, like, win, and because. She has also been increasing her vocabulary. Yesterday she look up these new words: hemoglobin, homogeneous, hubris, and hypotenuse. She shared the definitions with us. She spent the rest of her day yesterday reading
The Hunger Games, in preparation for the premiere of the movie tonight. Her goal today was to finish this book. Her and A are going to see the movie tonight.
We continued to read
All of-a-Kind Family as a read aloud this morning. Learned a few new things. The story is about a Jewish family living in New York in 1912. It is actually pretty good. Today we read about Purim Day, traditional Jewish foods eaten on the celebration of Purim, and the fact that Jewish women and children only go to the synagogue on special holidays
(I'm not sure if this still holds true)
Get supper started in the crock pot this morning supper started but not in the crock pot. The day got away from me :)
~Clean main kitchen window ~ Only got half done :) Such is life in our home....
Gluten – Friend or Foe” class at 6:30 pm decided not to go
Laundry washed and hung on the line
Diapers washed and hung on the line
~Make beds
~Quick pick-up in all rooms
Strip E's sheets, wash and hang on line to dry
I believe that's all...
~ The little's all had a great day. They looked through a family photo album,
drew, watched
Wild Kratts, helped me hang clothes on the line, played hoola hoop,
practiced writing letters,
played on the swings,
and just enjoyed being together,
Not everything got done today, never does. But, we're good with that. Tomorrow, I'll share the "mud fun" pictures. Time to help M put our favorite lovee's to bed :)