Yesterday, I had a Dr. appointment (which, by the way, went really well :). Daddy came home early and stayed with the 3 littles. While I was gone, they went for a nice walk around the yard. They saw baby ducks in our ditch, fireflies, anthills...all kinds of cool stuff. What does this have to do with lunch?
I have been struggling for a while to come up with lunches for the littles! I have bought books, looked on~line, etc. and have had no luck. Yesterday, after my Dr. appointment, I went shopping at the Whole Foods Store to look for healthy lunch ideas. Still, nothing. Yes, I found healthy food choices (organic, no preservatives, no additives, etc...) but it still was things like spaghettio and mac and cheese type foods. We do use these, I just don't want to use them alot. I was looking for quick, easy, convenient though, and that was all I could find. I did buy a few things (including another book for toddler recipes!), but left unsatisfied.
I got on~line this morning looking again for ideas. As I have several times before, I ran across bento lunches. Some of these are really cool! So I thought I would take a swing at it using leftovers with a few added in things. Last night we had turkey meatloaf for supper. Everything in it was either fresh or organic, additive and preservative free. Healthy. The littles aren't real big on eating leftovers, but it was worth a shot.
Remembering that they saw the baby ducks on their walk with dad yesterday, here is what I came up with:
It was a hit! Well, for all but Sarah. I don't think she liked the meatloaf yesterday either! Overall, the kids liked it and it didn't take long to throw together. The meal caused quite a stir when the littles finally saw it! You should have seen the smiles and heard the chitter chatter at the table! My favorite ~ "Mom, I want more grass (celery)"! My answer? "Absolutely"!