First, a little needed info:
I am wearing a red, fleece sweatshirt with a snowman on the front ;)
At the lunch table:
Jonathon ~ Mom, you have a snowman on your shirt?
Me ~ Yes, I have a snowman on my shirt.
Jonathon ~ The snowman is wearing a hat?
Me ~ Yes, he is wearing a hat.
Samuel ~ Why is the snowman wearing a hat?
Me ~ To keep his head warm. (WHAT??? Where the heck did that silly answer come from?)
Jonathon ~ Mom, Mom, the snowman is wearing gloves? To keep his hands warm?
Me ~ Oh, geesh, now what do I say? Yes, to keep his hands warm. (Duh!)
Jonathon ~ Oooh.
So. Tell me. Why does a snowman wear a hat and gloves!?!
Wait, it gets better :)
About 5 minutes after this conversation:
Samuel ~ Mom, are you Santa?
Okay, who has been talking to these kids?