Hope you had a great day!! I have an awesome close up of our little peanut that I was going to post, I can't get it to load up! Which is okay because now you get to enjoy these awesome pictures instead :)
Talk to ya soon...
A photo journal of memories of our large, beautiful, Catholic, homeschooling family!
The other day we were tracing around cookie cutters. I stenciled this airplane and brother S drew in the pilot! Check it out...
Looks like fun, huh? Unfortunately, by the time my batteries were recharged, sister K and sister E were real close to being ready to go in the house, so we only got a few pictures of them :(
Talk to ya soon...
Telling people we have seven children always produces ALOT of response!! We don't go out much, but we don't want to, and we don't need to. We don't take expensive vacations, but we don't want to, and we don't need to. We don't have alot of material things. Again, we don't need them (I especially don't want them - it just means more to clean, dust and put away!). We are happy with what God has given us and continues to provide.
I read this this morning and it hit home. I have been in that same situation (exept not with #10, but with #'s 5, 6 & 7!). I heard many of the same responses!! Very rarely did I hear "Good for you" or "Great!". On occasion I did, but very rarely! I agree with everything she says. This is where I want to be, this is where I am supposed to be! I wouldn't want it any other way :)
Well now that Sissy has given me back (actually I took them out her camera!) my rechargeable batteries I can share some pictures with you :) Here we go...
This window is actually clean! It is streaked because I haven't quite figured out how to use my new squigee (sp?) yet :(
Be back soon with weekend pictures! Have to get 4 of us dressed and change diapers:)
Talk to ya soon...
This morning we continued working on the letter A. I thought I would share with you our alphabet basket.
The little box on the right holds our sandpaper letters. Here is another picture of what is in our basket:
Our main story 'Along the Alphabet Path' comes from this website. This lady is an amazing woman! She is a homeschooling mom of soon to be 9! The books that we are using along with the story, are also recommendations of hers to go along with the story (other than the catechism book, we use that to work on our prayers). So, here is how our morning went with our alphabet basket. First we sat together and started by making the sign of the cross (something we have been working on for a while) then prayed our morning offering prayer. We read about Mrs. Applebee, Michael and St. Anne. After our story we worked with the sandpaper letter "A". Brother S then wanted to look through the Catholic Saints alphabet book - he pointed out Mary, Jesus and Joseph. We then started to read about St. Ambrosia and their attention span ran out. Short? Yes! Productive? Absolutely!! Probably their favorite books in this collection are the ABC Museum book and the Alphabet of Catholic Saints book. They frequently grab these on their own and look through the pictures :)
Well, things just got "too quiet for comfort" so I'm off to see what the boys are up to! Hope you have a GREAT day :)
These awesome roses are part of my anniversary gift from daddy. Believe it or not, they are the exact roses that my bridal party carried! Daddy said when he saw them he HAD to get them!! He is the BEST!! Of course, I started to cry as soon as I saw them. Not because he bought me roses (although that surely was sweet) but because they were the same ones from our wedding. By the smile on his face when he gave them to me I could tell that THAT was why he bought them :) Could he be anymore perfect for me?
Bubby doesn't like cake! So instead, his weird Mom lit a candle and we all sang 'Happy Birthday' to him. Yes, he blew the candle out (and then laughed and shook his head :). Do you see the little man in between us ready to help him blow out his candle?
Happy Birthday Bubby!! We LOVE you!!
I presented the pink tower activity to the boys awhile back. At the time they seemed very uninterested. I left it on the shelf and figured when they were ready they would give me some sort of clue and I would present it again to them.
While we were steam cleaning on Saturday, Brother S decided he was going to work with the pink tower blocks (we were unaware of this being that the shelves had been moved to another room while we cleaned). Imagine our surprise when we walked into the living room to see this:
3 of the top cubes are put up because they get so small and we are worried that our little peanut will get them and choke. Look at the left side of the tower, he even edged them! I never repeated the presentation! He remembered it and set to accomplish it when he was ready :) You go boy!! Here is a picture of his own creativity coming out in the pink tower:
Talk about learning concentration and coordination!! Check out that balancing act :) Way to go brother S!!
Three of my favorite guys cleaning my carpets over the weekend:)
You can't see Mr. Clean #1, but he is in control of the rug doctor. Mr. clean #2 is brother S!
And here is Mr. Clean #3, Brother J. He didn't have a vacuum attachment so his dump truck became a rug doctor!!