Saturday, Sissy attended an ACT seminar. It was to help her/prepare her for the ACT coming up in March. One of the first things they did there was to take a full length practice ACT (an old one I guess). She came home with her score. Are you ready for this? She scored a 25!!!! WOW! On the writing section she scored a 4/6 and a 3/6. According to the booklet, both of these scores are also very good showing she either has the skills or is improving on the writing skills that they were looking for!! The seminar was 5 hours long! I don't think she liked it very well, but hopefully it has somewhat prepared her for the real thing.
I am currently enrolled in an online teaching course. We were asked to fill out a questionnaire for a magazine article that is being written about homeschooling/montessori. One of the questions was "Why?". So I gave them our top 3 most important answers which were:
1) To allow our children to grow up at home to be the unique individual God intended them to be. To maintain their own desires, wishes, likes and dislikes without feeling the need to change them just to fit in with a group of peers, and to do this with the love and support of family and at their own pace.
2) To truly learn our beautiful faith and to live the liturgy on a daily basis. Of course they will grow up cradle catholics, but hopefully with the thirst, hunger and knowledge of a convert.
3) To become independent learners while obtaining a sound education at their own pace, not someone elses. At the same time being able to pursue any desires they have in the process.
Now, that being said, there are many other reasons we homeschool that are revealed to us on an almost daily basis. So, we will start with yesterday!!
Why homeschool? Reason #4
(conversation with dear son in the school system)
Son: Man Mom, I love my new I-Pod! It makes school so much better. Now I don't have to listen to everybody talking!
Mom: You listen to your teacher though, right?
Son: Sometimes! But Gee she goes over the same stuff in algebra II over and over again, for like 2 weeks, and I already know how to do it!!