Okay Bub, I want the polar bear. It is amazing!!
If you are a guest reading this go check out my brother's creations!! You will want one trust me!! Here is the website. http://www.whiteforestbears.com/
A photo journal of memories of our large, beautiful, Catholic, homeschooling family!
Okay Bub, I want the polar bear. It is amazing!!
If you are a guest reading this go check out my brother's creations!! You will want one trust me!! Here is the website. http://www.whiteforestbears.com/
Sunday morning at church while trying to keep twin toddler's quiet quietly preparing to hear God's Word we hear instead from the woman behind us...
OH!! (while she's waving her hands in pure excitement) Your the family with 50 kids!!! :)
What does a family of nine do in a suburban on a 40 minute drive to keep sane? We play "I went to the zoo...". Here is what we saw :)
I went to the zoo and I saw
an aardvark, a baboons butt, a carabou, a donkey, an emu, a fawn, a giraffe, a hippo, an iguana, a joey, a kangaroo, a lion, a moose, a newt, an octopus and a quail!!
Keeping sane in such a large family requires teamwork. The other day I had too many commitments in a very short amount of time. By 11:30a.m. I was running about a half hour behind, hadn't had anything to eat, had a hungry nursling and 2 hungry toddlers (which means alot of crying) and to top it off I broke a very important piece of machinery. As I left the house AGAIN to run my last errand for the morning I was on the verge of tears!! On my way home I was thinking of everything that still needed to be done. While I was gone my WONDERFUL teenage children cleaned the house and started lunch!! Instant feeling of relief. Then the rest of the day I enjoyed faces like these:
hee hee :)
Snuggles :)
Is there a MICHIGAN game today?
Sister K and her snow creation!
Bubby performing a kickflip!
Life is SO good!!